










General Index of music editions
by first line
   by composer


Other editions and papers on this site:

Copenhagen Chansonnier

Sacred music of the 15th century

Complete Works of Gilles Mureau

Uppsala MS 76a

Peter Woetmann Christoffersen

Papers on

Basiron’s chansons
Busnoys & scibes PDF
Chansons in Fa-clefs
Chansoner på nettet
Fede, Works
Dulot’s Ave Maria
Open access 15th c.
MS Florence 2794


Amiens 162 D, ff. 46-54v Missale (early sixteenth century; incomplete)

Early 16th century missal from Corbie; carefully copied in two columns with initials in red and brown (black); copied by a scribe whose text hand (a quite rounded and open textura) and embellished initials are very similar to those of Hand C in the musical sections of Amiens 162. On f. 49v the mass is accompanied by a pen drawing of St Sebastian pierced by arrows. The beginning of the first mass is missing; it probably was on the last page(s) of a preceding fascicle. Folio 54v was probably the original last page of this small missal.

ff. 46-46v [Inviolata, integra] “... flagitant devota nostra corda” [Missa in visitatione B.M.V.] – incomplete.
ff. 46v-48 Missa de nostra domina pietatis [Missa B.M.V.]
ff. 48-49v Missa pro seJpso [Dom. II Passionis]
ff. 49v-50v Missa de beato sebastiano martire
ff. 50v-52 Missa de beato Anthonio
ff. 52-53 In festo reliquiarum ecclesie nostre
ff. 53-54 Missa pro infirmo
ff. 54-54v De sanctis viribus fusciano victorico et gentiano

PWCH July 2014