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Copenhagen Chansonnier

Sacred music of the 15th century

Complete Works of Gilles Mureau

Uppsala MS 76a

Peter Woetmann Christoffersen

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Basiron’s chansons
Busnoys & scibes PDF
Chansons in Fa-clefs
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Fede, Works
Dulot’s Ave Maria
Open access 15th c.
MS Florence 2794


Amiens 162 D, ff. 73-74v Bifolio inserted into missal (early 16th century)

Written by the scribe who copied the small missal in Amiens 162 and made the changes we find in the 14th century missal. The texts are copied on the rough reverse side of a piece of parchment containing two paintings. Unlike the two missals these texts were copied in one column only, and the bifolio must have been salvaged from another manuscript as the first mass did begin on a preceding page. The missing text has been carefully copied on to a small piece of parchment by the same hand and glued in before f. 73 (f. 72bis).

f. 73

[Pro] regis catholici contra turcos.
This mass builds on the liturgy In tempore belli, adjusted for the occasion by the addition of king Ferdinand and the Turks, cf. Linder 2003, pp. 175-77). It consists of:


[Collect:] [D]eus in te sperantium salus, et tibi serviantui fortidudo, suscipe propicius preces nostras, et a famulo tuo ferdinando fidei christiane deffensori et cuncto eius exercitui regum sue sapientie ut haultis ?io de fonte consiliis et tibi placeant et de turcis tue sanctissime fidei hostibus victores effici mereantur.


Secreta: Suscipe nos domine preces et hostias ecclesie tue pro salute famuli tui ferdinandi [added:] regis suorumque omnium supplicantis et antiqua brachii tui clementem operare miracula quantus prostratis turcis tue sanctissime fidei hostibus secura tibi serviat christianorum libertas.


Postcommunio: Deus cuius est regnum omnium sanctorum pretende quis famulo tuo ferdinando fidei christiane deffensori et omni exercitui euis arma celestia ut pax ecclesiarum et populorum christianorum turcis vicinorum nulla turbetur tempestate bellorum.


Pro subsidio christianorum contra turcos.
The wording of the three prayers comes nearest to the anti-Turkish mass, which was established by Pope Sixtus IV after the battle of Otranto in 1480, cf. Linder 2003, pp. 187-88 and 220-23. This version is however more explicitly aimed against the Turks and shows an untypical ending in the Secreta, where it anticipates the Postcommunio (an error in copying?). (1) It consists of:


[Collect:] Omnipotens sempiterne deus in cuius manu sunt omnium potestates et omnium iura regnorum respice in auxilium christianorum ut gentes turcorum que in sua feritate confidunt dextere tue potentia conterantur.


Secreta: Sacrificium domine quod propugnatores tuos a turcororum deffende periculis ut ab omnibus perturbationibus semoti liberis tibi mentibus serviant.


Postcommunio: Protector noster aspice deus et propugnatores tuos a turcorum deffende periculis ut ab omnibus perturbationibus semoti liberis tibi mentibus serviant.

f. 73v-74

Two full page paintings: The Crucifixion and Christ enthroned

f. 74v

[Clamor] – prayers for the unity of the church and against its enemies.
Established by Pope Johannes XXII in 1328 (cf. Linder 2003, p. 50). It consists of:

Letatus sum (Ps. 121 – including “Gloria patri”)
Pater noster
[5 versicles] Domine salvos fac reges; Salvum fac populum; Fiat pax: Domine exaudi: Dominus vobiscum.
[3 prayers] Ecclesie tue; Hostium nostrorum; Deus a quo sancta desideria.

PWCH July 2014

1) Linder 2003, p. 146, note 220 writes “As late as the seventeenth century the Clementine set appears in MS Amiens, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 162, fol. 73, as a Pro subsidio Christianorum contra Turcos, with the necessary textual adaptations: ‘ut gentes turcorum que in sua feritate etc.’ in the Collect, ‘a turcororum deffende periculis etc.’ in both Secret and Postcommunion.” – Linder must have been misinformed concerning the date of the Amiens 162.